Thank you so much for typing this out from Pennys book. Ive just commented to another reader that single men are good targets for the enemy. This was also the year George III, suffering from what is believed to be bipolar disorder, was replaced by his son, George IV, the Prince Regent. Jessica wasnt Rex Bills descriptive words on the money. Russia building there. A psychic that I follow named Christian Dion was right onto her from late 2016. Not many answers. And this isnt a recent event. Natal Uranus at 9 Sagittarius is square Mercury at 8 Pisces. Im sorry I dont know how to write this in English : Sun 1936 Taurus 11th House/ Uranus 149r Scorpio 5th H / Saturn 2350 Leo 2nd H / Pluto 1424r Libra 4th H. You mentioned foreigners in your blog for Taurus I do have a project currently blocked, linked to something foreign and I havent been able to find the right support in France so far which drives me slightly crazy I also procrastinate at length and the whole Harry saga gives me the perfect excuse for it (!) Harry had no way of knowing that the Queen would pass when she did, and I think he would have released the documentary and the book regardless. Diana comes towards me, dressed in white with a black cloak around her. He also believed that Harry is on a spiral which may not end well. I had that feeling (and still do) when R/M was introduced as Henry/Harrys lady friend. The European Union and NATO block Vladimir Putins ambitions. Please read it again. Its interesting, what you say about refugee priests from the Anglican faith finding a new home with Catholicism. He arrived on 15th September 1984 at 4.20pm in London with stelliums in Taurus, Virgo and Scorpio. Why? I love your research plus the information from your viewers. I think its fair to say that the Duchess of Sussex is a former actress, but in her current role, is still acting. These are unfair and unfounded insinuations and accusations forthcoming from anger. Now is the time to beat a retreat. Do you think the relationship with his family will be repaired (I cant see it, maybe with his father but not with his brother) but what does astrology say? Prince William and the Duchess of Cambridge walked into a very difficult situation, didnt they! Even now trolls are paid to stir up the war between William and Harry; white and black; monarchists and anti-monarchists. Was Markus Anderson at wedding. Hi Jessica, It was made public almost immediately. Thank you! I got the same off feeling from him that I get when I do a reading of someone that is one antidepressives or have a drug habit. This will replace what I see as manufactured warfare which is being artfully constructed online by an army of trolls and selected media, to split the United Kingdom and United States Special Relationship, but also unity within the United Kingdom itself. With regards to David Foster, he is certainly chummy with Yuri Milner, who is well worth the research. Thank you Jessica. It is related to gaslighting which comes to us from the British playwright Patrick Hamilton and similar to George Orwells visions in 1984. Completely unjustified as if your blog has been totally misunderstood and misrepresented in Annes comment. There will be a mutiny against Welby at the General Synod, or in response to that, near the first or second week of March. I wonder how much input there was from MM e.g., as pointed out by others, most men do not refer to their necklaces, rather calling them chains or leather straps. I am also interested in what Diana thinks. Yes. It is always about extreme system change for royalty. There is a great need to cut through the spin and noise and bring the discussion back to where it should be among the people. Fascinating to read back. I could go on and on but one last point to note was that in 1978 Dianas father suffered a stroke bought on, as the experts said by tensions between waring siblings and Raine. hi Jessica, I havent read Spare yet or even seen Harrys Interviews but I am also a professional astrologer and psychic and I admire your work. Both fell in love with captains. You also saw a light around him. At 2.27 of the video there is an apparent snapshot of a Tweet from Kensington Palace tweeted at 3.02 am on May 6th 2019, but quickly taken down, allegedly, advising that a surrogate was used. Harry has always wanted out of the Royal Family. Take a picture of a sunset and see if it comes out as you see it. with how Meghan was chosen to play the role of Duchess, is she then being paid by some other organisation to further America type thing and the RF dont know? I agree with you; if the Vladimir tiara was the emerald head piece produced, then why didnt Harry remember it when it was time to write the book? The arrival of Pluto in Aquarius in March 2023 is a show-stopper. Anne Boleyn appeared in the history books at the same transition we are in now: Pluto in Capricorn giving way to Pluto in Aquarius. He just doesnt care as an adult, bcz the family publicly didnt come to support him as a kid when he more likely did. (Claude, un assumed name, is a high-powered French businessman I am close to in real life and with whom I have had many extraordinary and revealing conversations of both a mystical and future-orientated nature.) Note the inner planets refer to Sun to Jupiter, as well as the Ascendant and MC, and represent the core parts of the personality. The comments, observations and information have really made the thread. People on Twitter would agree with you I saw one Anglican asking what the church was for, any more! Those stamps will surely become a collectors item. Im amazed by your insights and just feel so lucky to have found you! Beyond the US-UK partnership of old, the other sitting duck is the Commonwealth, of course. Its taking the heat away from any rumour that shes not actually having this baby(s) herself. I am fascinated by this story in The Hill. It is to be hoped Charles would not cave in to Sussex demands for the sake of a quiet life. Photographer spend hours editing to get the best angle that they caught that portrays frailty best because sometimes its so hard to get a pic to portray what was really there. This triggers three generations: those born with Uranus, Neptune or Pluto in Libra. Ive spent a large portion of my day reading through your comments. I have now finished reading Spare and it omits details about the Canadian home, then the American home, but manages to be specific (brand, name and address) of Soho House, London, for some reason. Her very close relationship with Marcus Anderson has also been questioned. Some are suggesting the first nuptials werent legal either. Within my immediate family we are split with my brother being as dark (even darker) as my father and my sister and I being as light (with me being the lightest) as my mother. Thus, the rise of astrology and other ways of believing/living where women are equal to men (though astrology is still dominated by so many men in powerful positions at the top; part of Pluto in Capricorn is just that system). The astrology of Prince Harry shows someone who would be a philanthropist and businessman, were he not born into royalty. His wife is close to Markus Anderson and Markus Anderson works for Burkle, who flew on Epsteins plane. * Because the birth time information is missing for this chart, the Moon may range up to 6 before or after this position. It took a DNA test to reveal it, too. Eventually I come to a double door that is slightly ajar. Professor Rebecca Probert, an expert in the field, has claimed illegality. Being mindful of the internet gossip/fiction industry surrounding M&H of course. I could say, the plot thickens, but we dont know is there is a plot. He sees them almost as a danger to his relationship with Meghan. The only words I could say to him was: shes not happy. He has a mental health issue, which makes him vulnerable. The Eclipse fell at 0 Leo shortly after these peculiar photographs were taken and was exactly square Harrys Pluto at 0 Scorpio. I sincerely hope that the content of Harrys book wont have a nasty adverse effect on the mental well-being of his niece and nephews as well as their parents. Thank you for your amazing work and insights. Harrys chart lines up with the Russian chart. Have to say, the alternative Harry and Meghan fiction industry is far more imaginative than (even) the real thing. I was the one in whom I ask because just before Pluto goes into Aquarius it makes aspects to Georges sun and moon. Harry is apparently hated in UK now seen as a traitor, but the monarchy is set to go down anyways because of ancient eclipse cycles when it was born. The Church of England has a constitutional crisis with the monarchy on its hands, if we join the dots together. You see a massive disinformation campaign online tearing society apart. Charles doesnt deserve to be rewarded with the crown. The whole drama playing out just leaves me uncomfortably due to the total lack of integrity H and M are showing. I heard mention of a stroke sadly. As for the children for me the jury is still out, but nothing really surprises me with Harry and Meghan anymore. It is not far from where we live but it is out of the way somewhat. She doesnt! . So there a few clanging bells here about what might have led to this quite dangerous seemingly deliberately endangering part of the book. You say you have experienced racist remarks. The other huge mistake people are making, from an astrologers point of view, is to separate Harry from Andrew. No one whos fought bravely in the armed forces of their countries talks like this. It has to. Wow. We only see that transit, the South Node in Sagittarius, once every 19 years. Ill look for horoscope features filed when he had just been born, to see if other astrologers were picking up what would happen in the 21st century with foreign cultures and countries. x. I am always pleased when psychics join the conversation. This is all beginning to look like the best play Shakespeare never wrote. She didnt die in the car, and a doctor gave her first care but she was stuck in the car (she had her seat belt on) and had to wait for an ambulance; then it took about 1h30 to get her to a hospital, much too long. You are amazing. Hi Jessica, Her image has stayed in my mind rolling about fairly consistently which I thought meant something. Actor Rupert Everett seems to have yet another version! Thank you so much for your strength and your insights. The timing chimes with Saturn entering Pisces for the first time in 29 years, and Harrys Seventh House of marriage, but also enemies. She indicated that what we are seeing play out right now is tied into the past life of Henry VIII (and karma clearing)! So, its almost a bingo card I guess. I also need to correct you: the title of the book is Spare, not Share. I always love twists and whodunit types of stories and movies although this one is more a reality show. Yes, a few people have raised this anomaly. He was also the first author to expose J Edgar Hoovers misdemeanors, and of course, exposed the Marilyn Monroe/Kennedy affairs. I dont want to speculate/jump to conclusions, but we know where a former President lives. Claire is a sincere medium , now thats HER reading. Styles (born Feb. 1, 1994) is an airy and eccentric Aquarius, while Wilde (born March 10, 1984) is an emotional and watery Pisces. This has been a really popular point of discussion. If Anne is back, I think that would be astro-logical, timely with the Aquarian Age, according to what historian Hayley Nolan says about her, which is that she was, quote, a passionate fighter for those who had not been afforded the same privileges in life as she. I dont wish them harm but I wish they would just shut up! Another one missed is reincarnation. HM the Queen was quite right about William in 2023, 2024, 2025 and early 2026. It would be nice if The Sunday Times with all its brilliant investigative reporting finds out how many of these lowly-paid, mass armies of online warriors work on high-rise trolls farms! Progress. Will they continue to make money recycling the same stories? Olivia Wilde is the woman of Harry Styles' dreams. The taxpayers were fooled by a dazzling wedding where the real star of the show was hidden in the congregation under a hat. The annoying answer to much of this is that we dont know. She also details another incident earlier in her life when she raged at her father on behalf of her siblings grievances of their fathers betrayal and allegiance to Raine and she slapped her father across the face. Harry Styles was born on Tuesday, February 1, 1994, at 12:06 AM in Redditch, United Kingdom. The Tarot is a good guide. It seems to me that Harry knows (which must be quite disturbing ) but prefers to be evasive while half unveiling a secret; either to protect his mother or to protect himself and his children At the same time, he embarrasses Charles and the RF. We are all richer and more knowledgeable for that. Why would she fake being pregnant though? Again smoke and mirrors! If not for astrology I would not even be going here, but Harrys chart clearly shows some very odd things. It is with us until 2044 so there is time. The other issue is the reports, on 16th January, that the Archbishop of Canterbury intended to hold a summit with the family by April. His job, if he is ever on the throne, is to defend the Anglican faith and be head of the Church of England. He made his debut as a singer with his band White Eskimo, who performed locally in Holmes Chapel, Cheshire, England. Now, it may be that the axe will finally fall on the monarchy and England will become a republic in 2008 when Pluto enters Capricorn, the sign of the Establishment, and both Saturn and Uranus will pick all-important degree areas on the 1649 execution chart. The Church of Englands rules are: marriage can only happen with two witnesses present. Here is the link to the story, again big apologies for wasting your time if its not credible. I agree with you, there is secrecy everywhere and not just with the scheming of Meghan and Harry. He was equery to HRH Prince Albert. Some of the insights readers have posted here, will make dramatic sense in March, at the end of the first week, and during the last week, which is when we see Saturn and Pluto make their historic turns. According to intuitive astrologer Rachel Lang, Olivia and Harry have what Lang calls a "spiritual . As for Princess Diana, I was a kid when she died, but I remember when it happened and my father said that she was killed. For one thing he doesnt actually need to be crowned to be a king. The fact is, there is now a lot of money to pay out to anyone who will come forward with evidence about either. There are currently historic floods in Montecito and all residents have been evacuated. ), Jessica this fascinating reading. This is something William will have to deal with in 2023, 2024, 2025 and yet by early 2026 his obstacle course with foreign countries and foreign cultures is over. H&Ms friend Sir Elton only appeared on video for the jubilee. 109126-mainGrammy predictions 2023 ceremony with Beyonce, Adele, Harry Styles - They are considered to have the same effect as conjunctions. I was talking to an old friend of Princess Dianas last night and we agreed that it is the people who are missing from all this. This is also a huge shift in Harrys current service to the U.K. and Commonwealth as Duke of Sussex. Mesmerised unsure why. Meghan is part of the unreality. Was Spare written by Artificial Intelligence machines? Meanwhile, in Samantha Markles court case, there have been allegations about H&Ms social media manipulation, we know about the alleged involvement of Russian bots on social media, I guess we will have to wait and see what evidence will be presented in court about H&Ms activities and associates. The wedding itself, is textbook. Although stranger things have happened. I have a hard time seeing how any editor, writer, or agent would would let pettiness like that go unchecked. This is the same as Henry VIII and then the arrival of Mary and Elizabeth because the line of succession was disrupted. I wish I could be a fly on the wall in the palace. Journalists interviewing Harry to promote Spare are culpable. Allowing for a genuine heart attack in the case of Thomas Markle which we should, for the poor fellow it still does not explain the sneaky double ceremony with the head of the Church of England, days before. Asha. Nope. An Express article by Sophie McCabe 21/02/23 suggests the future of UK monarchy could follow the Norwegian model, which seems to match the republican feelings in that country in harmony with a monarchy. I dont want to sound like a conspiracy theorist but I am absolutly sure that this Royal drama is part of something bigger like I mentationed in my earlier comment. Pushing back will require tremendous self-mastery and hard work but it will also be the making of you. What a soap opera! A photo and diagram of the same shape of recording device was also put online. Ive learned from experience to always record these things, so Ill leave it in. We had always followed the bits and pieces floated in the American press about the royal family. Present was Angela Kelly, the Queens advisor and one of the few authors given Her Majestys approval. Wow! The other baby brother spare would eventually become Richard III after Edwards own death & who declared Edwards sons (the Princes in the Tower) illegitimate thus making himself King. The month of April was mentioned. Thank you. The secret wedding ceremony conducted without public knowledge before the Anglican service is a good case in point. Harry and Meghan bought California home from billionaire Russian oligarch. Thats pretty bad in 2023. Going back to astrology again, we find Neptune in Harrys birth chart, triggered. I agree. I have noticed in the posts that a few people have turned to the tarot for answers regarding the Royal Family. You were born in South Africa so are up to speed with Moscows and Beijings designs on the Commonwealth, and Africa in particular. Pluto enters Aquarius, just as he entered Aquarius over a quarter-century ago, when the French Revolution began and their monarchy was given the chop. Cheers. Maybe retribution by the Taliban for his comments about his service in Afghanistan is the least of his worries. Prince Harry and his father were said to be in Istanbul April 24&25 2015 for Gallipoli centenary commemoration. Paperback edition, never-before-seen colour photographs, new front page story. That is for military reasons. In a church. You then have to wonder who the production company is, never mind the writer and director. Was there anything earth shattering in the book? And Meghan with Pluto going over her descendent would have certainly been through some things (I think this was in 2019). This is a manufactured war. I happened by fluke upon a YouTube Video ( of a NBS USA TV Feature by journalist Ann Curry airing secret videos of Princess Diana speaking to her speech coach Peter Settelen in 1992 (any eclipses as coverups?). Jessica Adams does not reply to every comment and her replies are on a best-efforts basis which means your comment or question may never receive a reply. He has a Virgo stellium and this is the sign we associate with mental health. I concur, as the hive mind (refusing to be gas lit) is sourcing so much great detail in this discussion. At least we all know we are being presented with an artificial narrative now, right down to the costume department. I shall someday soon be writing a book about the long-kept secret that history has lied in saying that Anne suffered a miscarriage in prison, where she was placed by Henry to await her execution. My friend Penny Thornton, who was one of Dianas three astrologers, has predicted Harry and William will reconcile one day. Sorry for the long outburst! Many thanks and gratitude. And the US /Britain relationship is the powerful centre of those allies. Keep up the amazing work, Jessica and Happy New Year xx. In his natal chart, that same cycle fell in his Ninth House of foreigners and foreign countries. Together with dismay already expressed by some re the 100million payment. Too odd. To put an antic disposition on indeed. I agree the versions of the meeting has changed. His astrology is intriguing. Thank you. H & M legal marriage certificate is the day of the big wedding. Princess Anne has close ties with UK intelligence and may have been faster out of the gate than anyone else at the danger signals coming from America. I know you talk a bout Russia but I also worry about China. Always a clever professional woman; frequently a graduate. Both these revelations seem to shout too loudly and feel like its trying to validate her physically carrying a child. She met the lover who slightly resembles Harry, years away from the pregnancy. I think he knew very well.

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